Campus Crusade and WellSpring Ministry Project

Over the past week, 15 team members from Campus Crusade for Christ out of Lusaka have been working in conjunction with WellSpring in and around the communities we serve in Mufulira Zambia. 5 of the team members, young women, have been residing at the WellSpring house with the girls, with the primary focus of ministering and counseling the female residents. This was strategically scheduled as the residents are all on a month-long school break.


The others have been working in and around the communities and compounds we serve sharing the gospel through testimony, and community impact programs such as providing vegetable seeds, and sanitary kits for the women.


Here is a day by day breakdown of what the team has accomplished.


The team arrived last Thursday with the programs kicking off on Friday. On Friday the women worked with the girls as well as the boys that are part of the WellSpring program. There were times of devotion, Christian counseling, mentoring, and a special time of games. The other part of the team began to canvas the surrounding areas to learn more about the community and to share the gospel.


On Saturday it was a great day of celebration. The entire team and all of the children were taken to the Mufulira boating club and enjoyed a bbq picnic, a pontoon boat ride around the lake, and lots of fun including swimming in the pool and playing on the trampoline and playground equipment.


On Sunday the team attended church with our residents, during the afternoon a special time was held with the parents and grandparents of our residents where they were ministered to and provided critical supplies. During the evening the “Jesus Movie” was shown and the plan of salvation was presented.


This last week the program continued with the children of WellSpring with daily times of devotion, and counseling sessions on topics such as biblical self-worth, forgiveness, dealing with trauma, and breaking negative habits.


The children have loved the sessions including the activities and games they have been led in.


This past week we have seen the Holy Spirit moving in powerful ways among our residents, the children we are helping in the community, and in their families and the greater communities at large. People have come to know Christ as their savior, and lives have forever changed.


It is amazing to see how the Lord is working through the ministry. Please continue to pray for the Staff, residents, and their families.


Please pray for the Campus Crusade team as they begin making their way back to Lusaka on Thursday.

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