A Note From Shilla...
I love being part of WellSpring. I love being with everyone, living together as a family. I love how they are keeping us and teaching us about Christ. I never used to go to church but here we are able to go to church. I Am able to learn through my friends doing chores and I enjoy how we share and love one another.
General Information
Birthdate: 08/06/2012
Current Age: 12
Move In Date: 10/28/2023
Hobbies: Music & Singing
School/ Education
Current Grade: 4
School: Kamuchanga Primary School
Favorite Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Local Language
We are grateful that the lord used a “stranger” to help Shilla find her path to WellSpring. Shilla is a single orphan who was lacking a permanent place to stay, love, nutritional and educational support.
Shilla was brought to WellSpring by a woman named Astridah, Astridah makes her living selling vegetables in the local market, she has a family and six children. She met Shilla a few weeks before making WellSpring aware of the situation.
A Note From Astridah…