A Note From Mary...
I feel good to be here because there is no moving around anyhow, my house parent doesn’t insult me and always corrects me in a good way whenever am wrong.
Here I am able to study and thankful because you bought all the requirements for school.
General Information
Birthdate: 10/21/2010
Current Age: 14
Move In Date: 01/04/2023
Hobbies: Reading & Writing
School/ Education
Current Grade: 7
School: Twashuka Primary School
Favorite Subjects: English, Local Language
Mary is a single orphan, her father passed and she was being kept by her grand parents. She is in grade 6 at a community school. Her family is extended with 17 people all living together depending on peasant farming which they do with their grandparents.
Hence taking her in was a lot of help to the grandparents and lessened the burden as all are school needs and educational requirements are being met.
Mary lives with her grandparents, she is in grade 5 at Gasto Community school.
Her father died and her mother sells vegetables in the streets. There are 17 at the house depending on grandparents who only do farming for eating and hand to mouth.
Mary is a Cousin to Naomi a resident at WellSpring.