A Note From Martha...
I am happy to be here because you are paying for my school, buying uniforms, and bags. We are also able to eat food freely. Am also sleeping on the bed, eating together with my friends.
I am saying thank you for the help you are giving to me and my friends. To my house mom I am so thankful because she teaches house chores and we pray together and go to church together.
General Information
Birthdate: 09/03/2007
Current Age: 17
Move In Date: 11/21/2022
Hobbies: Reading
School/ Education
Current Grade: 9
School: Buyantanshi Secondary School
Favorite Subjects: English, Religious Education, Mathematics, Local Language, Social Studies
Martha is the 5th born in a family of 7, both parents are alive. The father is unemployed he just does some odd jobs to provide for the family.
Her mother sells vegetables on the roadside. She was accepted to WellSpring due to her vulnerability. She did progress from grade 7 last year and in 2023 has started grade 8.
My name is Martha, I am 14 years old and staying with my parents. My father Stephen is 50 years and is not working. My mother Monica is 43 years old and does not work, she only sells vegetables on the roadside.
We live in Kawama East. I am currently schooling in grade 7 at Gasto Primary School, due to my parents financial challenges, they have not been able to provide school supplies and other school requirements. Most days we are able to eat one meal, but there are seasons when that is too difficult and we skip a day.
My mother sales vegetables for us to find food to eat but its always hands to mouth, sometimes she credits vegetables or tomatoes and later on pays back for her to be able to prepare a meal, it is not enough always.
She makes 15 to k20 ($.80 to $1.05) a day and sometimes she doesn’t even sell which makes us not eat. I am looking forward to passing my grade 7 exam this year, but I am sure it will be hard for my parents to take me to school.
I am asking WellSpring to accept me into the house and help me start grade 8 when I pass. here at home it is hard to read or study due to the situation of not having enough to eat, and lack of school materials.