An Update from the FIELD

Here is a “literal” update from the field, All of the crops are doing well. The corn was grown in phases, and the earlier phases are beginning to see tassels while the younger corn is going through its pesticide application.

The additional later planted crops, including sweet potatoes, peanuts, and soybeans, are growing strongly as well. The additional land that WellSpring was able to secure after the first planting began has allowed us the additional space to plant the additional crops.

This past week, we purchased our final rounds of fertilizer and pesticide. Now, our focus is on the remaining season of rain and the time to pass as the crops mature.

Things have gone very well, and the project has accomplished everything we prayed it would. We have been able to use it as an educational tool with our children, a source of work and income for some of the adults tied to the ministry, and the crops are maturing as hoped. Soon, WellSpring will be reaping the benefits these yields can bring.

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