Celebrating Christmas!

This year, WellSpring celebrated Christmas with a combination of Zambian and American customs. It was a blessed day filled with special memories, and a true gift from God to spend time as a family.

For many of the children, this was their first time receiving gifts on Christmas. The event was graced with several special guests, including Ward from the US, and Mr. & Mrs. Malakotoa (Clara’s parents) who were both present to spend Christmas and additional time through the holidays.

The children were thrilled to spend this special time together. The day was jam-packed with games, singing, gift-giving, and savoring special food. The girls even prepared a dance to share with the guests.

Each resident and staff member was given a special gift, including a new WellSpring t-shirt and hoodie.

Christmas day in Zambia, especially for those living in extreme poverty, can be a challenging day for children. The compounds are filled with drinking and illicit behaviors, and most children are encouraged to stay indoors. For teen girls, they are taught to be very cautious if and when moving outside.

Beyond the compounds, people struggle to provide a “special meal,” which for Christmas includes rice and chicken. For a Zambian family that can afford to purchase a gift for their child, that would mean some clothing or maybe just a special shirt or dress.

It was an incredible day spent together as a family. Thank you to everyone who helped make the day possible through your generous giving.

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