Ministry Update and Financial Details

What an exciting year 2023 has been. The ministry saw the official launch of the first girls’ home in Mufulira, assisting young men with education, uniforms, food, and mentoring “before” a home can be “opened” for them, and as a ministry reaching out to widows and vulnerable in the community assisting with food, supplies, seeds for their gardens, and sharing the gospel. It truly has been an amazing start!


Since the inception, pre-launch, and establishment the entirety of what has been accomplished has been done on a total budget of $34,000. This is proof that through effective stewardship – much can be accomplished with the gifts we lay before the Lord. He is the miracle worker and the one who multiplies.


We are now able to review the month-by-month details and we have enough data to establish a realistic budget for the monthly care of a child.


For $100 per month, WellSpring is providing the following 24/7 care for each resident.

  • A safe home with trained Christian staff providing a loving nurturing family life.
  • Access to a good education – supplies, uniforms, shoes, books, and additional tutoring.
  • Access to counseling and ministry resources. The girls are part of a local church that is mentoring and providing them with opportunities to serve.
  • A balanced and healthy diet – the girls are served 3 meals per day. A mixture of grains, proteins, and vegetables.
  • Access to clean and safe water. Water is a major challenge all across Zambia. Our girls are de-wormed upon coming to the house to help heal their stomach issues from years of ingesting dirty water.
  • Access to medical and dental. Although we don’t publish updates on these specifics, we have had some major dental and health issues we are working through. The girls are not just healing mentally and spiritually, but physically as well.
  • Teaching them critical life skills, gardening, cleaning, good study habits, healthy exercise and playing, all of this is just part of the WellSpring core values.
  • Access to extracurricular activities, the girls have games, legos, movies, cartoon, are exposed to local news and events. They are having their world expanded to learn things such as playing on playground equipment, how to swim, and even have taken a couple of boat rides.
  • Every child is celebrated at their birthday – big cakes, big parties, we want our children to know they are a blessing.

WellSpring residents are family, they are treated with dignity and learning a culture of thankfulness. From having nice clothes, shoes, a book bag, a bed, education, and all the many things they have access to, the children are grateful and thankful. They take nothing for granted. They know they are safe and loved.


Looking Forward

Currently, a total of 11 full-time residents, 5 non-residents, and 5 family members are being assisted on a monthly basis. In the next two months, there are some critical steps the ministry must take to accommodate the growing demand.

  1. A new property has been found to house the girls. There are multiple houses on the property that will not just serve the ministry now, but well into the next couple of years. This property will be used only for girls. Acquiring this property, moving expenses, deposits, and such will require an additional $1000 to the normal budget.
  2. Two additional staff members are to be added. We are adding a part-time assistant to help prepare meals, we have the perfect candidate, she is a Christian woman that loves our girls. She lives close by and can come and go each day as she helps. In January we will add an additional “Clara”. We believe God has already shown us the “perfect” young woman and the girls adore her. Be praying over both of these women – we feel this ministry is a calling, not a job.
  3. Secure Fresh Water – there is a need to purchase and set up a 2,500-liter fresh water tank system In the next few weeks. This project is going to run around $900. We have looked at all the options and know this is the best way to move forward.


Please join us in prayer over these upcoming matters. God has never failed to meet the needs of these children. WellSpring is a living testimony to the power of God providing and multiplying for these children.

Ward will be traveling over in mid-August. Be on the lookout for some opportunities to help with medical and additional ministry supplies as we prepare for that trip.

Thank you so much to each of you for your giving, your prayers, and your encouragement. The WellSpring family continues to grow and is making a large impact in the communities it serves.

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