In March, the Wellspring organization embarked on an inspiring journey to find land for the future Wellspring Girls House, which will provide a nurturing home for 18 deserving girls.
We were blessed to find a large plot with an existing building. This existing building will serve as a training center and office for Wellspring. It will be used to equip young women with valuable skills while creating a safe haven for those in need. Located in Mufulira, the site is conveniently near schools that many of our girls attend.
The spacious plot will not only accommodate the new house, but as mentioned will hold the first training and skills center, gardens, and ample yard space for playing and daily life,
Before construction begins, we will utilize this land for farming vegetables and and enjoy the fruit from the existing trees. The plot’s proximity to the hospital and market makes it an ideal location within a community striving to improve its economic circumstances, where many earn less than $3 (US Dollar) per day.
Many families in this area are extended, emphasizing the need for compassionate support. Together, we can create a brighter future for these girls and the entire community.
Please watch for updates later this year as we begin construction on the new property.